Not Currently Available

We plan to offer this in the future, but it is not available at the moment.
The rest of this page is for information only.

Organic Hydrolysate (Fish Emulsion)

  1. Is an organic fertilizer, soil biology feed and revitaliser produced from fresh tuna.
  2. Is 100% pure liquid fish & contains a wide spectrum of major nutrients and trace elements in organic plant available form.
  3. Retains all the nutrients, trace elements, vitamins etc. that were present in the raw fish and is very effective as a livestock feed additive.
  4. Can be used as a foliar spray and also for ground application.
  5. Has a non-offensive smell, is easy to handle and simple to apply by spray equipment & fertigation.
  6. Is suitable for all soils, pastures, crops, ornamentals, trees and vegetables.
  7. Is environmentally friendly and safe to plants.
Typical Analysis of Tuna Fish
Emulsion / fertiliser / hydrolysate:
TOTAL IRON Fe 184 ppm
TOTAL ZINC Zn 43.9 ppm
TOTAL COBALT Co 0.27 ppm
TOTAL BORON B 37.5 ppm
pH   3.6  
Electrical Conductivity   21510 µS/cm
TOTAL LEAD Pb nil ppm
Minimum Crude Protein 19.6%   Oil 5-15%
Beware of competing products that do not
tell you what the Mercury content is.



Apply spring and autumn in moist conditions morning OR afternoon 10 - 20 L/ha diluted 10:1.
Dairy and beef: Rotational grazing, apply 7 days after grazing at 5 - 7 L/ha - additional nitrogen may be added, 5 - 10 kg/ha dissolved in 200 ltrs water.

Field Crops + Vegetables:

20-40 L/ha at pre-planting diluted min 10:1. Foliar spray 5-7 L/ha at 10-21 day intervals at 50:1 dilution. Apply in moist conditions.

Orchards and Vines:

Apply inter row to soil or grass/clover cover in spring and autumn through field jet 10-20L/ha diluted min 10:1. Foliar sprays: apply through high volume sprayers morning or afternoon in moist conditions at 5-10 L/ha diluted 100:1. Up to 5 applications through growing period – may be added to nutrient sprays.


Apply every 10-21 days at 5-10 mls/ltr of water to foliage up till point of run-off. Higher rates 10-20 ml/ltr applied to soil pre-plant.

Livestock Feed additive:

With 15-25% tuna oil Approx 6% added and mixed with usual feed. Improves general health, increases palatability and weight gain, improves coat condition. 98.5% digestibility, introduces omega oils and selenium to eggs and meat. Not to be fed to ruminants or herbivores as it is an animal product.

Aquaculture Feed additive:

Protein content of Aquasate is in the 17-20% range and the protein, fats, amino acids and other nutrients remain fully intact and are not de-natured. This means the nutritional values and digestibility are at peak levels so ensuring the most natural possible ingredient for aquaculture feeds and consequent improved fish health and growth rates.


In hydroponic, trickle tape or foliar type applications, 300:1. For broad acre cropping, up to 10:1 dilution can be used.
It is generally recommended that hydrolysate replace 50% of conventional fertilizer in the first year, 65% in the second and 75% in the 3rd. However, conditions and crops grown vary and the grower will determine the ideal ratio as he goes.

Read Before Using

Raw material used:

Australian Processed wild caught Tuna. We do not use fresh water or aquacultured fish or northern hemisphere species which may contain toxins.


Fresh Tuna material is received fresh daily at our factory in Port Lincoln, South Australia. It is ground and then enzyme digested in a low temperature process which breaks down fish, or fish frames to simpler protein complexes. No synthetic materials are mixed into the fish hydrolysate, and the only manipulation the product undergoes is grinding and hydrolysis. This process yields a stable, non-odorous, liquid slurry which can be separated into solute, solids and oil, is completely safe and organic.

Downloadable files
Detailed analysis PDF (762KB)
Hazchem data sheet Open Document
Hazchem data sheet Microsoft Word
Chemical versus Organic Fertilizers.pdf
Powerpoint slide show (2.2 MB)
Aquasate Info sheet3.doc
Southern Bluefin Tuna data from
Hydrolysate must not be compared to chemical fertilizers. This product is natural and organic, there is nothing added and its complete array of nutrients are all available to the micro-organisms that inhabit and give life to soil and plants. This is all plants need to prosper and all the soil needs to sustain and perpetuate life.


The ready to spray hydrolysate no oil, is a dark coloured liquid with a pleasant odour. It contains dissolved tuna protein of approx 17%, and has been filtered to 100 µm and oil removed. This means it is especially suitable for foliar spraying and trickle tape watering where blockages could be a concern. Most growers prefer the thicker ‘hydrolysate 5-15% oil’ as they consider the oil especially beneficial to soil microbe and fungal growth. The nitrogen in hydrolysate is derived from fish protein in the form of amino acids which when added to the soil, slowly break down into basic nitrogen compounds. A percentage of nitrogen becomes soluble due to the nature of the manufacturing process. Because no oils or proteins are removed, the nutrients remain in the soil longer, and lower N-P-K rates can be used to meet or exceed the results obtained by chemicals with much higher rates. Some advantages to using hydrolyzed fish fertilizer are that it rebuilds soil biology resulting in excellent, healthy plant growth with increased yields and greater pest resistance. And it is made from the waste of a renewable aquatic resource.
Plants get 80% of their nitrogen from the air and that is via their leaves. If the leaves are working well, they can attract more nitrogen. The more bacteria on the leaves the healthier is the plant and leaf. The bacteria living in the stamata virtually carry the nitrogen into the plant. Fish and kelp are the great bacteria foods.


Tuna hydrolysate is a totally natural product having not been subjected to high heat or chemical treatment, and contains many trace elements including selenium. It is a soil rather than a plant food or fertiliser. It contains nutrients that feed the good bacteria and fungi in soil where the nitrogen drawing activities and nutrient excreted by the bacteria ensure sustainable, healthy plant growth. Bacteria form the backbone of soil which increases in richness over time, constructs bridges between plant root and soil and becomes self sufficiently enriched - reduced need to add nutrient or fertiliser once the harmony is established. Soil structure clearly improves, plants become healthier, pest control is minimised, yield is increased and damage caused by overdose of chemical fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides is repaired. And the presence of bacteria means up to 70% less water will be needed – drought resistance. Sounds miraculous but is simply ancient history revisited. If you must use herbicides like Roundup, its application rate can be reduced up to 90%. The sticky nature of the hydrolysate causes roundup to stick to leaf rather than drain away into soil. The slight acidity also encourages bacteria to ingest the treated fish so increasing its efficacity. The same principal applies to pesticides. Means significant cost savings and reduced pollutants in produce and soil. Furthermore, by using tuna hydrolysate the damage caused to waterways and aquatic life in rivers is eliminated. This means no chemical run off or absorption into underground aquifers, rivers, lakes and our water supplies! But this also depends on the elimination of nitrogenous, chemical fertilizers.


Sent: Wednesday, 13 April 2005 8:00 AM
To: Charles - Fish Trade
Subject: tests


Sorry to take so long to get back to you.

I should say that fish products are not high-analysis NPK type fertilisers, and therefore you'll never dazzle anyone with test results unless there was something dazzling there.....and there ain't. Selenium, I have no idea what a good level is, as I couldn't find anther product with selenium tested. This is a human-nutrition element, and good soil levels inevitably lead to healthy levels in the food growth .....but not in more healthy plant growth. You get a few products where it's claimed the N % is 5.9%, and you just know fully well that they've bumped the N up with added urea....especially given that the product ain't all that thick. And these days, smart farmers KNOW this. They also know fully well that they can buy a 50kg bag of urea with 46.6% N for under 30 bucks. If they want straight N, they don't expect to find it in fish! What they expect is a product which is nice and thick, and those who know what they're talking about know that a good oil % is invaluable. It's soil food rather than straight plant food. It contains stuff that feed bacteria and fungi in the soil, and the activities and enzymes excreted by these bugs are just as essential for healthy plant-growth as N's and P's and K's. Basically, if you place TOO much emphasis on the nutritional analysis, you'll get people comparing it with chemical products with higher analyses.....and you'll lose out every time as a result.

The product smells pleasant. It flows well. It's thick. It doesn't block filters. It doesn't appear to coagulate. It makes a damned fine microbial product. Just had a client on the phone last night raving about the results he had from an application he put on last Friday (of fish-included microbial product).


Jeff Harvie
AGrowPlan Consultancy
P.O. Box 3500
Rockhampton S.F., QLD 4701

From Anthony Quinlan; Agronomist at ERA (Environmentally Responsible Agriculture)

The usage of this type of product is certainly on the rise in many forms of agriculture, particularly in intensive horticulture and orchards/vineyards. The drive for this demand is mostly due to the increase in awareness of how fish products and products like it actually work in the soil and how they are applicable in a production system.

As far as a comparative reference in terms of amounts used in agricultural systems at present - I'm unsure and unaware of any data. But my experience in Australia and the US would point an exponential growth of these types of inputs. A lot of this is a direct result of information reaching the farmers on the benefits of using the products and perhaps more so of the damage that conventional products have on the soil.

Rates would be in the order of 20-200L per hectare

Aquasate is a high quality material. Most commercial fish products on the market are fish emulsions - meaning that the oil component has been removed (which is used in cosmetics) , these emulsions are quite good additives but do not compare to a fish hydrolysate - which has the oil still in it.

Just about all of these products on the market have had an additional nitrogen source added to them usually in the form of urea. This is mainly due to the fact that people like to see high numbers on the nutrient analysis sheet, as they are usually comparing them to a chemical fertilizer. Whereas they should be looking for the amount of oil in the product as it plays a huge role in how the fish works.

Basically a fish product is just made up of protein, amino acids and enzymes and generally do not have high numbers of anything in the analysis - they have a little of everything but - The main point to understand about these products is that they are not fertilizers in the conventional meaning - they are food sources for organisms in the soil and this is how they work. They have a great ability to stimulate nutrient cycling by feeding the biology in the soil and fish oil is a particularly good food source for enhancing beneficial fungal species in the soil. Fungi is generally lacking in most agricultural systems as they are destroyed by excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides etc. Fungi produce antibiotics and are responsible to a large extent to the natural disease suspensiveness of a healthy soil system.

Bacteria and micro-fungi, among other organisms, are the most numerous microbes in the soil and are essentially the storehouse of most of the nutrient that is available to plants in a healthy soil system. Fertilizers such as superphosphate are salts that with over use wipe out much of the beneficial biology and sets the stage for reliance on fungicides and pesticides. Without adequate biology present nutrient availability is restricted and soil structure decline is inevitable. Which leads to further dependence on chemical inputs.

For example: lower order plants such as grasses and early succession weeds are favoured by a bacterially dominated soil. Higher order plants such as shrubs, vines, fruit trees etc (palm oil trees) require or are favoured by a more fungal dominated soil. This is how it works in nature and is readily achieved in an intensive cropping system. If there is no fungi in the soil when you are trying to grow a plant that desires such conditions you will be caught in the vicious cycle of high inputs of soluble fertilizers and the pesticides that follow.

My work as a soil consultant is mainly with operations who are interested in reducing chemical usage and who are motivated to working towards a more sustainable system. There is certainly a ground swell of this type of approach, but you have to know how the biology works. You have to have the biology for a start.

I produce a biological inoculum in liquid form to re-introduce beneficial biology to soil if it has been damaged after chemical abuse. Fish hydrolysate is used in the manufacture of this inoculum and is a critical component of the soil programs I use to enhance the biology.

We have a strong working relationship with UWA in this field and are slowly putting some much needed science behind the workings of these methods.

From a cost angle, you could certainly argue for a $ for $ basis in comparison to a conventional regime. Every site is different, but there is a period of conversion from a chemical to a biological system which may be slightly more costly to begin with, but as the system develops all inputs are reduced in the short to medium term.

The other big question is what cost do you put on the environmental impacts that chemical fertilizers have? Soil erosion, structure decline, ground water and river pollution are all related. There is no question that current practices are unsustainable, most people know it, its just that most don't know how to start to turn things around. There is a real shift in paradigm needed. For instance- even at current usage there is only 20-30 years left of rock phosphate deposits left on the planet.

The fish product shouldn't be looked upon as a stand alone replacement for fertilizers used up until now, but as a major part of a system aim at eliminating all other inputs as the biology improves in the soil.

hope I haven't gone off on too much of a tangent, but I could go on forever!

if there is anything else let me know


Anthony can be contacted on 0429 107 946

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