Not Currently Available

We plan to offer this in the future, but it is not available at the moment.
The rest of this page is for information only.


1 March 2008

Tuna paste at 6% and up to 30% addition to normal feed is having great results on chickens - far reduced mortality, bigger and cleaner eggs, better health and with pigs - improved lactation, bigger piglets, faster growth rates and increased feed intake due to enhanced palatability.


23 October 2007

Chicken feed mixed at 6% with 15-20% oil in hydrolysate is resulting in high omega and selenium levels in eggs. Soon to be launched to the market. So both better health for the chickens and better health to the egg consumer. Eggs being one of the most efficient means of delivering nutritious food to young and old.


Previous pages speak of our tuna hydrolysate as a soil biology feed, fish attractant (bait) and petfood flavour enhancer and the cool temperature process preserves the high omega oil good health essentials.

The essential benefits and the economic incentives are all present in Tuna Hydrolysate 15-20% oil, which can be used to supplement livestock feed at a rate of 6% to 30% of normal feed.

The Australian Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer does not allow any Animal protein to be fed to ruminants.
Therefore fish or fish products cannot be fed directly to ruminants. Tuna hydrolysate oil is a fish product which can be fed directly to Pigs, Chickens, Emus etc but not Cows or other ruminants.


Sows return to feeding far sooner after birthing when hydrolysate is added to their feed. Piglets have increased appetite and consequent weight gain when feed is supplemented with fish and they squeal when it goes missing. Pastures grown on Tuna hydrolysate are not only healthier and heavier but also more wholesome and that benefit is passed on in the form of healthier livestock and rapid weight gain.


Pepsin digestibility is 98.5% which is unparalleled by any other feed. This means animal digestive systems are cleared out fast, food intake is increased and so are growth rates and animal health. Also means reduced stress and a healthy digestive system free of bloat and excessive gas emission.


Tuna hydrolysate is 20% protein. Protein which is fully intact and fully beneficial compared to fish or meat meals which are meals boiled until most of the water is extracted and only protein remains. But these proteins have far reduced nutritional value since they have been denatured by the boiling process - 60 or 70% protein sounds good but means nothing if the protein is cooked to excess and de-natured.


The tuna oil in Tuna Hydrolysate is 35% omega 3s produced from wild caught Southern hemisphere fish and by an enzyme digestion process never exceeding 60 °C. The proven benefits of omega 3 oils is discussed in the earlier ‘tuna oil’ page and these benefits have been extensively documented in recent times in relation to its necessity in ensuring human physical and mental health.

Nutrient Value

Tuna hydrolysate is high in energy, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and micro nutrients. The high occurrence of selenium ensures the animal is able to uptake the nutrient and so extract full value from the input. Healthy feed means a healthy animal and nutritious food for the consumer.
Organic Pig Organic Pig
Organic Pigs Kimbers free range chooks
Photo courtesy of Kimbers free range products
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