
Details of the copyright infringement

Written by Andrew Laughton.

The Sampi logo and NASSA images were changed by me to be part transperant.
The JUSTUNA image was created by me using black and white public libary seafood images.
The menu system for the entire web site.
The style sheet for the entire web site.
The footer page with the W3C verification links and top of page button.

As of 17 Oct 2011, this has all been redone except the photo of the Barley and Ryegrass.
I am not sure who took the photo but the text on the photo was done by me.

menu_fert.php   Details
The table was typed in by myself, copied from a PDF from the testing lab.
The bulk of the the text was from Peter Laughton, while I fixed the spelling and changed the grammer.
The text in green boxes is a copy and paste from emails sent to me, the formatting is mine.
The downloadable files are not my work, I just set them up to be downloadable.

menu_fert.php   Photos
The Photos were not taken by me, but I resized / formatted them and added text.

menu_fert.php   2008 report
Copied by me from a PDF.
menu_fert.php   2009 report
These download links appear to be broken at the moment, the green box was a copy and paste from an email.

Layout and formatting only by me.

Layout and formatting by me, some content.

Most of this has been changed, including removing my name as the web site maint contact..


A few emails were sent to and from the Administrators. I informed them that they were in breach of copyright and sent an invoice.
They refused to pay any money, and made a point of including the web site in the sale.
Reject invoice

Going forward

After typing this up there is not as much of my own work as I first thought there was, although there is still a lot.
As Fishtrade have already broken several laws I doubt that they would pause to break copyright law as well, so it would need to be ready to go to court if we issue a takedown notice.
In a just world, it would go to court and damages issued would be the sale price Sampi achived relative to the sale price that could of been relised if no laws were broken.
I put an advert on the SAMPI site for potential buyers to contact Peter Laughton, so that he might inform them of Sampi's real value and possibly form a syndicate to buy Sampi. My rights to edit the web site were then removed, and that instant was the that point that copyright was broken, as my agreement hinged on this access.
The one and only reason why this issue has not been to court already is because justice costs money.
I have a faint hope that once the breach of copyright law has been established, Fishtrade would be obliged to either admit guilt, or foot the legal bill to establish guilt regarding the hollywood accounting. This is the expencive bit.
Once that has been achived any extra legal action can simply refer to these court documents, and would hopefully be quick and easy, and therefore cheap.

These web pages are not linked to anywhere, and are confidential, please do not tell anybody else the URL.

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